Field report:
it was a cold day. but the sun was out. typical english weather. me, my friend mayowa and my female friend ellaina was just walking, when i noticed a 2 set behind me chatting happily.
i looked back to see if they're HB's... well. HB 7's. aint bad. need a warmup set.
looked back again, they were still walking behind us. i opened with "Wait- you're not stalking me are you?" we didnt stop, we just casually walked. the bastards replied violently. OMG who do you think you are, yadda yadda whatnot.
waste of time. No need to over react. i said it in a joking fashion, therefore you should reply in a joking manner. if you ask my personal opinion, these girls are probably trying to out-do eachother. by shooting me down, and degrading me more, they're upping their value to one another.
Yawn. Go get a new face from Asda. (Costco?) you need one.
anyways, we left ellaina afterwards, cause today is emant to be 'cherpsin' day (sarging day) just like messing around and catching up and whatnot. nothing serious.
i had full eye contact with these two girls today, Both HB 7. didnt open. they waved, i waved. i dont know their names, ive never seen them before in my life.
who cares, i couldnt be bothered at the time anyways. my friend said what am i thinking for not approaching, i said to him that i'll approach them if we cross paths again... i got reminded of the time when i had full eye contact with two HB 8's, we followed them into the store, looked around for a bit then headed out, and as we walked past the escalators, the HB's were going downstairs laughing.
they either did it on purpose or accidentally, either way i ddnt get the number.
anyways we was walking through Primark.. (GAP?) and i spotted this HB 8 standing on her own, she worked there and was folding t-shirts. Approach anxiety struck me. Shit. i was fumbling in my head for an opener. fuck it. while my friend was talking about something, im trying to dig up the perfect opener, quick before AA completely fucks me over.
i walked past her.
FUCK it. no approach. i told my friend once we exited the store about her, he said "You either approach or you dont, simple."
i walked back in, and approached her. she's entertaining customers. and i was inches away. aaaaaaah
i circled around her, and her colleague seemed to realised that im onto her.
AA is really driving me crazy now. and i walked back out. i got my phone out and my friend walked out, his head shaking in dissapointment.
"You either do it or you dont."
Fuck this. went back in and opened with the AFC:
"Hi, what's your name?"
HB: Josie.
"That's cool. *hi 5's* how's work today? " *the fuck am i thinking?*
HB: "Its cool i guess"
"yeah this looks reaaallly fun.... How old are you?"
HB: "16."
"ooh ahh, what school did you go to?"
HB: "Mayflower. - How old are you?"
"17. Turning 18"
HB: "Really?"
"Yeah, i look about 12 though, its wicked, i get child tickets."
Hb: my manager's looking at me..
"anyways, i dont really wanna hold you up or anything but have you got a phone?"
Hb: yeah
" *takes phone out* Wicked, so you're kinda cute- so its 079... (079 are the starting digits of most UK cellphone numbers) "
Hb: I dont know my number.
*Dissapointed look* You sure about that, or did you not want to give a stranger your number?
Hb: haha, no... i just dont know it on the top of my head!
"What about E-mail, you got that?"
HB: yeah but its really embarrassing!
"haha, that's cool, go on, SHoot!"
" 'Indahouse' with a 'D' yeah? wow, that's very... unique.. (laugh) "
Hb: yeah its quite old!
anyways, i gotta get back to my friend, see ya! come here and give me a hug.
Hb: no i cant, my manager's looking!
*goes and hugs her anyways, more like a half hug.*
Set 2:
Balloon girl standing in the middle of a mall. and she's tied to at least 50 odd balloons. i wanted to open her last week but i think i got lazy. Logistics didnt look great either, she was busy selling em.
"Hey, you look kinda bored, what's up?"
HB: Nothing much...
"yeah i was about to talk to you earlier but you seemed kinda busy, so is this your job then?"
Hb: Yep!
"That's cool. how much do you get an hour?"
Hb:"45 quid."
"Whoa, 45 quid for.. wait, that's for the whole day?
ah, that's allright then. anyways, gotta get back to my friend, but have you got a name?"
"You got a phone?"
"Right, well this is my phone and what you do is..-
SINFULLL!!!! *looks up to the second floor*
i see my friend Rob from college, i aint gonna let him blow my set.
To rob: "What? hold up one sec.."
"here *passess phone* put your number in."
im quite pleased with my cold approaches. i rarely do cold approaches, and my success rate for em is probably 50/50. im more into networking or nightgame.
Just realised, i closed TWO hired guns.
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