Bad teeth - cant do jack shit. who cares?
Height - Who cares? body language.
running out of things to say. - Then say it. "ive run out of things to say"
Mood. -Say it.
" How do you deal with people not liking you? Honestly, the best way to handle it is to go to the store, buy a box of straws, and suck it the fuck up. I don't know you. You could be big or small, ugly or handsome, fun or boring, smart or stupid. But letting other people define your self-perception by virtue of their emotional state is a weakness that will stand in your way in most endeavors, one of which is your ability to form successful, meaningful, and repeated sexual interactions with women "
When I'm teaching boot camp, it's not uncommon for a student to stall approaching because he imagines a girl to be this way or that, or he imagines her relationship with the guy she's talking to as this or that. Most of the time, I shove him in the back, and he returns a while later, stunned by how well the interaction went, how it was absolutely NOT what he predicted. You simply can't read ANYONE's mind. You can't CHANGE anyone's mind, necessarily. All you can do is be the best you the world has ever seen. You are a man. You do not feel what anyone else tells you or wants you to feel. You feel as you are supposed to feel according to your own designs, and that is all. Every shivering moment you do NOT act this way is another blade's centimeter toward castration. PEOPLE WILL HATE YOU. The better you are, the more people will hate you for no fucking reason whatsoever, without knowing you, maybe without knowing what you look like.
Your new opener:
Hey guys can i ask you a quick question? ive got to go to lesson but- how old do i actually look?
The reason being is that i was walking around, and this kid asked if i was lost because im in college. its quite patronising considering im a damn second year!
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