There has nothing sexual that has happened between us-no. And yeah im really getting 'Stuck' nowadays, with gaming in general. Seemed to have lost my 'Mojo' after my messy LTR
my status is through the roof. im sort of like mystery- except im a better close up magician than him. which makes me DhV on the spot without routines.
Everyone knows me- i'd say im the most popular kid in college. and that's a college of 2,000 people. They either know me as the Kid who dances like George sampson, David Blaine or the 'pimp'. (i think them calling me pimp is self explanatory in terms of how i game)
Come to think of it- i havent actually number closed a lot since college started.
I am semi-Gaming everyone else, but i was completely focused on her. and i see the logic there now too.
i dont think i was doing anything wrong until you mentioned it- i had the mindset that if i focus on this girl, i'll have a relationship that willa ctually mean something instead of just another fuck.
Wednesday, 24 September 2008
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Happy birthday to me?
Been a year since i started this blog. Overall, LOTS of experiences. Good that i started this.
Currently working on Magic and dancing
PANDORA/Muscle pass/Coin Routines
Dancing - Popping, GLiding, Cwalking, Breakdancing.
Pua stuff?
nah. =] take it as it goes.
Currently working on Magic and dancing
PANDORA/Muscle pass/Coin Routines
Dancing - Popping, GLiding, Cwalking, Breakdancing.
Pua stuff?
nah. =] take it as it goes.
Friday, 12 September 2008
Stained Skin
i was walking around today with a queen of hearts revalation on my arm. i was basically performing here and there.
I stopped at the canteen and started flourishing. i did a few acr's, card to mouth like 3 times and a few other things. i had a crowd going for like 15-25 people.
i then performed stained skin revalation, emmanuel picking the card and shuffling it. i let him walk away and shuffle. as he was walking back, he dropped the cards.
it ddnt matter. i told him drop everything on the floor and hold my arm. he did, and in stigmata style, i was telling patter related to blood circulation.
i did the revalation, and the crowd went mental. i walked away with my hands in the air. basking in my glory. i walked out of the room, and 10 minutes later i came back and they were still talking about my trick. some got their bibles out and started praying. hahaha!
Second best performance of my life.
I stopped at the canteen and started flourishing. i did a few acr's, card to mouth like 3 times and a few other things. i had a crowd going for like 15-25 people.
i then performed stained skin revalation, emmanuel picking the card and shuffling it. i let him walk away and shuffle. as he was walking back, he dropped the cards.
it ddnt matter. i told him drop everything on the floor and hold my arm. he did, and in stigmata style, i was telling patter related to blood circulation.
i did the revalation, and the crowd went mental. i walked away with my hands in the air. basking in my glory. i walked out of the room, and 10 minutes later i came back and they were still talking about my trick. some got their bibles out and started praying. hahaha!
Second best performance of my life.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Inner game issues
Recognize your current flaws envy:
Bad teeth - cant do jack shit. who cares?
Height - Who cares? body language.
running out of things to say. - Then say it. "ive run out of things to say"
Mood. -Say it.
" How do you deal with people not liking you? Honestly, the best way to handle it is to go to the store, buy a box of straws, and suck it the fuck up. I don't know you. You could be big or small, ugly or handsome, fun or boring, smart or stupid. But letting other people define your self-perception by virtue of their emotional state is a weakness that will stand in your way in most endeavors, one of which is your ability to form successful, meaningful, and repeated sexual interactions with women "
When I'm teaching boot camp, it's not uncommon for a student to stall approaching because he imagines a girl to be this way or that, or he imagines her relationship with the guy she's talking to as this or that. Most of the time, I shove him in the back, and he returns a while later, stunned by how well the interaction went, how it was absolutely NOT what he predicted. You simply can't read ANYONE's mind. You can't CHANGE anyone's mind, necessarily. All you can do is be the best you the world has ever seen. You are a man. You do not feel what anyone else tells you or wants you to feel. You feel as you are supposed to feel according to your own designs, and that is all. Every shivering moment you do NOT act this way is another blade's centimeter toward castration. PEOPLE WILL HATE YOU. The better you are, the more people will hate you for no fucking reason whatsoever, without knowing you, maybe without knowing what you look like.
Your new opener:
Hey guys can i ask you a quick question? ive got to go to lesson but- how old do i actually look?
The reason being is that i was walking around, and this kid asked if i was lost because im in college. its quite patronising considering im a damn second year!
Bad teeth - cant do jack shit. who cares?
Height - Who cares? body language.
running out of things to say. - Then say it. "ive run out of things to say"
Mood. -Say it.
" How do you deal with people not liking you? Honestly, the best way to handle it is to go to the store, buy a box of straws, and suck it the fuck up. I don't know you. You could be big or small, ugly or handsome, fun or boring, smart or stupid. But letting other people define your self-perception by virtue of their emotional state is a weakness that will stand in your way in most endeavors, one of which is your ability to form successful, meaningful, and repeated sexual interactions with women "
When I'm teaching boot camp, it's not uncommon for a student to stall approaching because he imagines a girl to be this way or that, or he imagines her relationship with the guy she's talking to as this or that. Most of the time, I shove him in the back, and he returns a while later, stunned by how well the interaction went, how it was absolutely NOT what he predicted. You simply can't read ANYONE's mind. You can't CHANGE anyone's mind, necessarily. All you can do is be the best you the world has ever seen. You are a man. You do not feel what anyone else tells you or wants you to feel. You feel as you are supposed to feel according to your own designs, and that is all. Every shivering moment you do NOT act this way is another blade's centimeter toward castration. PEOPLE WILL HATE YOU. The better you are, the more people will hate you for no fucking reason whatsoever, without knowing you, maybe without knowing what you look like.
Your new opener:
Hey guys can i ask you a quick question? ive got to go to lesson but- how old do i actually look?
The reason being is that i was walking around, and this kid asked if i was lost because im in college. its quite patronising considering im a damn second year!
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Quick Update
Envy, I think you're being a bit needy by wanting a girlfriend.
Relax my friend. 'Its not over yet!' You my friend are an entertainer. you have fallen into this trap because you wanted to be intresting. You are. you do a lot of things. you're funny, and you do magic to name a few. and you're a good dancer.
Entertainers need a break too. so just take a break.
Girls will come and go. you dont have to open every single girl. you just need to take a break.
So relax and do something else. read a book Envy. And tell me how it goes.
you have better things to do than to game girls.
Chin up. x
Relax my friend. 'Its not over yet!' You my friend are an entertainer. you have fallen into this trap because you wanted to be intresting. You are. you do a lot of things. you're funny, and you do magic to name a few. and you're a good dancer.
Entertainers need a break too. so just take a break.
Girls will come and go. you dont have to open every single girl. you just need to take a break.
So relax and do something else. read a book Envy. And tell me how it goes.
you have better things to do than to game girls.
Chin up. x
Read this when you're lost.
You’re about to cross into Abyss of Neediness If…….
….. You’re wondering for more than 10 minutes if you should call her or not
This was triggered by a post I read earlier. If you sit there, all day, wondering if you should call her; DO NOT call her. You call should be spontaneous, when you got bored from doing your daily tasks and you want someone new to talk to. Don’t even bother making day2 plans with her if it’s your first call. Just call her, bullshit for several minutes and tell her you have to get back to doing something (exciting).
If you started hesitating whether to call her or not…. You’re going to fuck it up. Feel edgy about calling? Get your mind off of it, and go to the mall; sarge someone else. Come back. Call her.
……..You’re giving her too much benefit of a doubt, too much slack.
Again, I hear guys talk about it; giving her excuses and why she did this or that. It doesn’t matter. It is your reality. Set up your threshold limit on what is tolerable by you and what is not. I, personally, have three strikes. (or just a BIG ONE). And because she is a 10 or a 9 don’t give her extra slack. If you wouldn’t take shit from a fatty, you shouldn’t take shit from a 10. EVERYONE, INCLUDING ME, falls in this trap. I do this shit all the time, except I catch myself giving extra privileges to hotter girls and I stop. THIS IS BAD! Do not do it.
If you’re sitting at home thinking about her action, look at it from a logical point of view: what she did is acceptable by you or not? If not, let her know that you don’t tolerate crap. This falls more into ‘relationship’ portion rather than pre-day2. If bitch stood you up on a date, tell her that it’s rude, and NEVER call her again. Because, we, men, have A LOT OF THINGS ON OUR PLATE and DO NOT HAVE TIME to waste. Stop thinking about her, giving her excuses in your mind, justifying her actions, but be reasonable about it. People do have emergencies;
…….You get overly jealous (exclusive or not exclusive relationship)
Hot girls have guy friends: lots of them. Hot girls have orbiters. These guys want to fuck them but can’t. Get used to it. In exclusive relationship there are things that acceptable and not acceptable, define these things between you two. Set rules and stick to them. (ok, correction: make her stick to them)
Just remember, she is probably going to keep her options open. Most likely she will LIKE SOMEONE ELSE while being with you, and there is a possibility she might cheat on you.
Guess what you should be doing? EXACTLY THE SAME THING: Keep your options open. Have other women in your life (even as friends). Have women in your life that are dying to fuck you (but can’t). Go out! Don’t stay at home with her all the time. Meet other women. You don’t have to sleep with them but always have your GAME ON. And if you happened to be in situation where you can cheat on your girl………. Well, that’s your moral stand point; I am not giving you advice on this
……..You wonder why she didn’t call you, (yet)
Why do you care? She is busy. You’re busy. (Or you should be). Get a life. I used to do this all the time. I would get depressed if some girl I was gaming didn’t call me. Then I learned that the only reason I am depressed is because I let myself be. DO NOT CALL HER. Just go out, hang out with your buddies and STOP CHECKING YOUR CELL PHONE every five minutes. You’re not going to miss a call from her. And if you do, even better; it shows her that you’re too busy and don’t have time to be worrying about her. Man up. She’ll call.
……….You’ve spend over 20 hours with her and still haven’t fucked her, yet kissed her.
I don’t want to hear this bullshit: “Well she is not like that; she likes to take it slow” BULLSHIT! This whole taking slow bullshit is her excuse for lack of attraction for you. If Johnny Depp offered her some dick, I am sure she wouldn’t even think about ‘taking it slow’. So don’t be that guy who gets lead on, only to end up in LJBF Zone. I can understand that some girls have issues with sex. Here is word of advice for you: you don’t want these girls. Do not try to play ‘good Samaritan’ and try to help her with her issues. Don’t try to ‘save her’. You’re not a shrink. You’re not her girlfriend. If she is too fucked up or prude to have sex within 20 hours of meeting guy, you’re on for a ride (you don’t want to take). Very few girls are like that though. Somewhere you just failed in attraction (sometimes comfort). Admit it! Stop letting your ego get in a way. You’re acting like a coward. FUCK HER ALREADY! If not, MOVE ON!
……….You call/text her, over and over, but she doesn’t return your calls/sms’
DESTINATION CREEPINESS! Welcome aboard! Stop with this shit. Just stop.
You call her, she doesn’t call back. Ok. You call her in few days; she doesn’t call back, leave a voice mail, and delete her number. Let me repeat that again. DELETE HER NUMBER. You gave her two calls over SEVERAL DAYS and on your last call you left her VM…… and it’s time to delete her number, because, you ARE NOT going to call her back again. Not going to text her, not going to call her and hang up or whatever creepy thing you could possibly do.
Naturally, if she calls you back, (IF), you’re going to say “Who is this?” …Don’t ask me why, just do it.
Most likely, she won’t (call you back) MOVE ON.
…………..You take her out on day2 and you would not leave her alone (after)
This is my personal rule. Day 2s are there to re-enforce your game; show her that you’re congruent with whom you were first time she met you, and day2 is there for you to plant several seeds in her head. Your day2 game must be tighter than your game when you first opened her. Going into day2 she should be thinking “Well, this guy is cute/hot/interesting, I want to get to know him better” …………leaving day2 she should be thinking “OMIFUCKINGGOD! This guy… wow… like I can’t stop thinking about him… he is just… amazing…maybe he is the one…I haven’t felt like this in a while!!!” (and she really should be leaving WITH YOU thinking THAT… and you should get minimal LMR)
BLOW HER FUCKING MIND! Then don’t call for few days. Let her wonder. Most guys fuck up entire chemistry by calling her THE SAME FUCKING DAY with “Oh hey, had a good time tonight.. I hope you got home ok. Thanks for hanging out with me…” <<<<< WTF IS THIS SHIT? DO NOT DO THAT! If you feel like you ought to, send her ONE SIMPLE text message “good night “ that’s it.
…………………….you stop seeing other girls because of her
Unless you both agreed to stop seeing other people and decided to start exclusive relationship, you SHOULD NEVER EVER stop seeing other women no matter how good looking she is or how wonderful her personality is.
If you don’t see other women except for her, start meeting more women. Seeing one girl will give you enough confidence boost to start seeing more. But you shouldn’t get stuck on JUST ONE GIRL. (whether you’re fucking her or not)
REALITY CHECK: She IS seeing other guys. She is sleeping with other guys. Sometimes, you might kiss her and you might not even know if she just given a blow job to one of her fuck-buddies. And there is a good chance she might still be fucking around on the side after you start seeing each other exclusively (not always though)
……………………………you read all this and nothing clicked, sounded familiar or made a slight shift in your inner game.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I was guilty of EVERY SINGLE issue listed above. Some were pre-game days some where during the game days. Most happened while I was in relationship! I would safely say that almost every PUA falls into on or the other trap of ‘neediness’. The good PUA will catch himself before it’s too late. Emotions are hard to control and there is nothing embarrassing if you’ve done on or few or all of these things. Just learn from your ‘mistakes’.
I learned how to deal with these urges and it boosted my game tremendously. I suggest you reconsider how you think about your targets. Someone, who shall remain nameless, once said: “She might be a dime, but you are a fucking hundred dollar bill!”
….. You’re wondering for more than 10 minutes if you should call her or not
This was triggered by a post I read earlier. If you sit there, all day, wondering if you should call her; DO NOT call her. You call should be spontaneous, when you got bored from doing your daily tasks and you want someone new to talk to. Don’t even bother making day2 plans with her if it’s your first call. Just call her, bullshit for several minutes and tell her you have to get back to doing something (exciting).
If you started hesitating whether to call her or not…. You’re going to fuck it up. Feel edgy about calling? Get your mind off of it, and go to the mall; sarge someone else. Come back. Call her.
……..You’re giving her too much benefit of a doubt, too much slack.
Again, I hear guys talk about it; giving her excuses and why she did this or that. It doesn’t matter. It is your reality. Set up your threshold limit on what is tolerable by you and what is not. I, personally, have three strikes. (or just a BIG ONE). And because she is a 10 or a 9 don’t give her extra slack. If you wouldn’t take shit from a fatty, you shouldn’t take shit from a 10. EVERYONE, INCLUDING ME, falls in this trap. I do this shit all the time, except I catch myself giving extra privileges to hotter girls and I stop. THIS IS BAD! Do not do it.
If you’re sitting at home thinking about her action, look at it from a logical point of view: what she did is acceptable by you or not? If not, let her know that you don’t tolerate crap. This falls more into ‘relationship’ portion rather than pre-day2. If bitch stood you up on a date, tell her that it’s rude, and NEVER call her again. Because, we, men, have A LOT OF THINGS ON OUR PLATE and DO NOT HAVE TIME to waste. Stop thinking about her, giving her excuses in your mind, justifying her actions, but be reasonable about it. People do have emergencies;
…….You get overly jealous (exclusive or not exclusive relationship)
Hot girls have guy friends: lots of them. Hot girls have orbiters. These guys want to fuck them but can’t. Get used to it. In exclusive relationship there are things that acceptable and not acceptable, define these things between you two. Set rules and stick to them. (ok, correction: make her stick to them)
Just remember, she is probably going to keep her options open. Most likely she will LIKE SOMEONE ELSE while being with you, and there is a possibility she might cheat on you.
Guess what you should be doing? EXACTLY THE SAME THING: Keep your options open. Have other women in your life (even as friends). Have women in your life that are dying to fuck you (but can’t). Go out! Don’t stay at home with her all the time. Meet other women. You don’t have to sleep with them but always have your GAME ON. And if you happened to be in situation where you can cheat on your girl………. Well, that’s your moral stand point; I am not giving you advice on this
……..You wonder why she didn’t call you, (yet)
Why do you care? She is busy. You’re busy. (Or you should be). Get a life. I used to do this all the time. I would get depressed if some girl I was gaming didn’t call me. Then I learned that the only reason I am depressed is because I let myself be. DO NOT CALL HER. Just go out, hang out with your buddies and STOP CHECKING YOUR CELL PHONE every five minutes. You’re not going to miss a call from her. And if you do, even better; it shows her that you’re too busy and don’t have time to be worrying about her. Man up. She’ll call.
……….You’ve spend over 20 hours with her and still haven’t fucked her, yet kissed her.
I don’t want to hear this bullshit: “Well she is not like that; she likes to take it slow” BULLSHIT! This whole taking slow bullshit is her excuse for lack of attraction for you. If Johnny Depp offered her some dick, I am sure she wouldn’t even think about ‘taking it slow’. So don’t be that guy who gets lead on, only to end up in LJBF Zone. I can understand that some girls have issues with sex. Here is word of advice for you: you don’t want these girls. Do not try to play ‘good Samaritan’ and try to help her with her issues. Don’t try to ‘save her’. You’re not a shrink. You’re not her girlfriend. If she is too fucked up or prude to have sex within 20 hours of meeting guy, you’re on for a ride (you don’t want to take). Very few girls are like that though. Somewhere you just failed in attraction (sometimes comfort). Admit it! Stop letting your ego get in a way. You’re acting like a coward. FUCK HER ALREADY! If not, MOVE ON!
……….You call/text her, over and over, but she doesn’t return your calls/sms’
DESTINATION CREEPINESS! Welcome aboard! Stop with this shit. Just stop.
You call her, she doesn’t call back. Ok. You call her in few days; she doesn’t call back, leave a voice mail, and delete her number. Let me repeat that again. DELETE HER NUMBER. You gave her two calls over SEVERAL DAYS and on your last call you left her VM…… and it’s time to delete her number, because, you ARE NOT going to call her back again. Not going to text her, not going to call her and hang up or whatever creepy thing you could possibly do.
Naturally, if she calls you back, (IF), you’re going to say “Who is this?” …Don’t ask me why, just do it.
Most likely, she won’t (call you back) MOVE ON.
…………..You take her out on day2 and you would not leave her alone (after)
This is my personal rule. Day 2s are there to re-enforce your game; show her that you’re congruent with whom you were first time she met you, and day2 is there for you to plant several seeds in her head. Your day2 game must be tighter than your game when you first opened her. Going into day2 she should be thinking “Well, this guy is cute/hot/interesting, I want to get to know him better” …………leaving day2 she should be thinking “OMIFUCKINGGOD! This guy… wow… like I can’t stop thinking about him… he is just… amazing…maybe he is the one…I haven’t felt like this in a while!!!” (and she really should be leaving WITH YOU thinking THAT… and you should get minimal LMR)
BLOW HER FUCKING MIND! Then don’t call for few days. Let her wonder. Most guys fuck up entire chemistry by calling her THE SAME FUCKING DAY with “Oh hey, had a good time tonight.. I hope you got home ok. Thanks for hanging out with me…” <<<<< WTF IS THIS SHIT? DO NOT DO THAT! If you feel like you ought to, send her ONE SIMPLE text message “good night “ that’s it.
…………………….you stop seeing other girls because of her
Unless you both agreed to stop seeing other people and decided to start exclusive relationship, you SHOULD NEVER EVER stop seeing other women no matter how good looking she is or how wonderful her personality is.
If you don’t see other women except for her, start meeting more women. Seeing one girl will give you enough confidence boost to start seeing more. But you shouldn’t get stuck on JUST ONE GIRL. (whether you’re fucking her or not)
REALITY CHECK: She IS seeing other guys. She is sleeping with other guys. Sometimes, you might kiss her and you might not even know if she just given a blow job to one of her fuck-buddies. And there is a good chance she might still be fucking around on the side after you start seeing each other exclusively (not always though)
……………………………you read all this and nothing clicked, sounded familiar or made a slight shift in your inner game.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I was guilty of EVERY SINGLE issue listed above. Some were pre-game days some where during the game days. Most happened while I was in relationship! I would safely say that almost every PUA falls into on or the other trap of ‘neediness’. The good PUA will catch himself before it’s too late. Emotions are hard to control and there is nothing embarrassing if you’ve done on or few or all of these things. Just learn from your ‘mistakes’.
I learned how to deal with these urges and it boosted my game tremendously. I suggest you reconsider how you think about your targets. Someone, who shall remain nameless, once said: “She might be a dime, but you are a fucking hundred dollar bill!”
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