Thursday, 24 July 2008

My problem:

I'll just summarize this as short as i can. currently im doing a freeze out on her until august 9. that's when i get back from my holiday, perfect timing for a freeze out yeah? i go away on the 2nd so i only have to suffer a few days of not talking to her, haha.

Anyways, I met this girl while i was recovering from my bitch of an ex. i was semi gaming her, as she's my friend's best friend.

we rarely talked back then, then i think i escalated it from myspace gaming to phone game. at the time i wasnt over my ex yet but im willing to see other people. that was like a month ago or so.

I would hear things about her problems with her current lover and whatnot, and i'd BF destroy his ass ever so nicely.

Anyways. i invited her out one day with her best mate tagging along. i had a few of my minions tag along as well, so its all fun and dandy.

Gamed her like there's no tomorrow. and as i left, i made no kino at all but just did the ali-G respect gesture. I felt like oversmothering her with hugs and whatnot when the whole day she has been practically being kino'd by me would overkill it. specially when the cliche is to kiss and whatnot as i leave.

Anyways, s'all fine and dandy. a few days after that we met up for a club/event thing, i Dhv'ed like fuck. I knew almost everyone there. if i ddnt know them, i HAD to meet them. I had like my 8 pivots dancing on the dance floor, and a few just relaxing near the bar.

i initiated hand holding, then i read somewhere that if she's willing to hold your hand, you can kiss her. so i did. poof. instant making out for like ages.

anyways, i asked her out the same night, she rejected me and said "i dont want a boyfriend at the moment."

This is when things went Haywire for me. the "WHAT IF'S" started popping up in my head and im getting fucked sideways by it.

Did i somehow step onto the friends zone without knowing it?

I handled the situation by going "oh. Cool." and just made out with her anyways, but after that we soon got into little pathetic arguments that normally revolve around the fact that she rejected me and whatnot.

We met up a week after at just the park. we just relaxed there. cuddled and whatnot, the usual AFC stuff. my minions were running around (there were shitloads of them there so it kept us enteratained, created a conspiracy theme and whanot, etc.) Still am able to kiss her, but ddnt want to escalate fast since i view her as LTR material.

after that things just went chaotic. we got into major arguments after that and whatnot. I ask her to meet up, and she says she's doing something. Its always a valid excuse, but she doesnt seem too keen on meeting up or anything. (note when i say that i asked her to meet up, i dont ask it AFC style.)

anyways, things came to a close when this other guy named antony came along. A little competition is good. Actually scrap that, the bastard isnt competition. haha. =D

We just have arguments and whatnot nowadays really. The fact that she doesnt really seem keen on meeting up with me and gives me attitude every now and then quite pissess me off really.

Little things like i would call her first,then when i tell her that im going she'll reply with a "fine..." answer. sort of like a little spoiled brat not getting her way. i usually go "dont cry, i'll call back... if you're nice." or something similar.

I was wondering if the relationship is salvagable? I mean i havent tried to talk to her since the argument yesterday, and im gonna keep this up until the 9th. (which is a long way btw haha)

Im always up for the "abscence makes the heart grow fonder" crap that AFC's talk about. it seems to work on girls around my age. (15-17)

There is also a reason why im a bit AFC with her, and that's because she has had a shitlot of crap relationships in the past. and she has admitted that she ddnt want a boyfriend atm because she said it sort of scared her with boyfriends now and whatnot ( partly true i reckon)

I reckon i havent built enough comfort with her.

Im currently stuck between calibration, "being different from others" and Pure gaming through MM.


I read somewhere that to fully internalize gaming, you have to calibrate your game with your frame. my frame is LTR focusing on fun. then again im always up for a fuck but right now i see her as LTR material.

Being different from others:

This gives me a reason to go AFC because all the other guys she's been out with has been all dicks and just used her really. so, im countering that flow by going AFC on her.

Pure gaming just basically counters both of the above as i'll be gaming her through books and not actually myself. in my opinion MM or any method only gets you through the first hurdle, then after that you're on your own. which is why ive never really trusted the method (cept for the openers) and rely more into RSD for internalization and inner game building.

anyways, thoughts on my problem?

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