Sunday, 9 September 2007

Party last night

Completely DOMINATED. And when i say Dominated i mean Proper Dominated. Amogs were seriously crushed. The opposition, a spanish speaking boy was on his knees begging for mercy, that's how dominant i was.

It was to the point that people started asking me if i knew everyone at the party, Where in reality i dont know ANYONE, i only know the celebrant (my cousin) and the other celebrant which is HIS cousin as well.

words cannot even describe how bloody alpha i was. I couldnt talk to one of the HB's there though, Boyfriend round the corner and he's a good bloke to talk with, so i wont even try it. there's 3 hb's in their own little world as well (like the uhh, im too adult for you! group)

I gamed this ugly chick and this other chick for practice though. I tried the spells routine but she caught me with some scientific shit about the muscles and whatnot. xD

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